Mike Williams, operations director at Food Alert, a safety consultancy and software company which ran in depth research on hygiene in hospitality, said: “Consumers want to feel safe and like a venue is on top of hygiene standards, but they don’t want it to deduct from their experience1.” Here we discuss the need for zero compromise between hand hygiene performance and perception – and how your business can get it right.
Multiple pieces of research highlight the importance of commitment to hand hygiene and cleaning when it comes to users’ perception of a facility. 69% of consumers agreed they would like hand sanitising facilities to be permanent features of hospitality venues moving forward2. Our own Changing Workplaces research strongly supports the theory from a facility management perspective, revealing that 93% of businesses believe the visibility of hygiene and cleaning measures influences perceptions of their brand or facility3.
Making the right impression is crucial in every sector, but nowhere more so than in hospitality. Cafes, bars, pubs, restaurants and hotels know how important it is to create an enjoyable ‘normal’ post-pandemic experience for their customers. As Williams continued: ‘’Don’t dilute the customer experience but give enough reassurance that their health and wellbeing has been considered and is important to the venue.”4
So, how can you combine looks with function in your hand hygiene solutions, making sure visitors to your venue are confident that hygiene is a top priority?
Great hand hygiene solutions look smart, and well-considered. Soap or hand sanitiser dispensers that are part of the fabric of your environment show that hand hygiene isn’t just a bolt-on solution, but central to your brand experience. Dripping or clogged pump top dispensers don’t instil confidence, whereas a discreet, stand or wall-mounted dispenser looks the part, especially if it’s touch-free: contactless hand soap or sanitising dispensing is something 92% of users say they want5.
When space is at a premium, wall-mounted soap or sanitisers become even more important, so they don’t clutter up valuable counterspace. Our touch-free AutoFoam dispenser is now available in a compact 500ml size, ideal for cafes, boutique hotels and anywhere dealing with small spaces and big consumer expectations.
Aligning the look of hand hygiene, sanitary hygiene and waste solutions in a washroom is a subtle yet strong signal that details matter to your brand. The new 500ml AutoFoam dispenser is ideal for soap, sanitiser, and toilet seat cleaning products. It’s compatible with our extensive range of soap and sanitiser refills to meet all your facility’s needs, so you can give bulk fill a miss: which is extremely reassuring given that 25% of bulk fill soap and sanitiser solutions are infected with illness-causing bacteria6.
Choosing quality dispensers like this means that your business wastes less and keeps a handle on budget. The 500ml AutoFoam dispenser comes with a lifetime warranty, showing it will stand the test of time, because being HandSafe needn’t be at the cost of being ‘business safe’!
[1, 2 & 4] https://dineoutmagazine.co.uk/story.php?s=2021-12-23-feature-time-to-come-clean&c=blue
[3] Changing Workplaces: rubbermaid.eu/en/changing-workplaces/
[5] Rubbermaid Commercial Products Hand Hygiene Facebook Survey
[6] Journal of Environmental Health 2011.
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